Prophetic Bootcamps

Hardcore training in how to prophesy

Sign up for our 2020 Prophetic Bootcamps in Bournemouth with Adele Richards & the Catch The Fire Prophets

Three levels to develop and stretch your gifting:
Bootcamp 1 – Essentials (Fri eve March 6, Saturday March 7)
Bootcamp 2 – Development (Fri eve April 24, Saturday April 25)
Bootcamp 3 – Stretching (Fri eve June 5, Saturday June 6)

What are Prophetic Bootcamps?

“Eagerly desire spiritual gifts, especially
the gift of prophecy.” 1 Corinthians 14.1

Prophetic Bootcamps will give you a thorough, biblical grounding in how to operate in the
gift of prophecy (hearing God for others). You’ll get lots of opportunity to
practise in a safe, learning environment, and receive personal feedback,
encouragement and development.

The Goal
My aim is that when you complete these Bootcamps you will:   
- prophesy confidently     
- prophesy appropriately   
- prophesy with a greater degree of love, clarity and accuracy

You’ll have a track record that you hear God, you’ll follow beautiful prophetic etiquette so you’re a blessing to your church and your world, and you’ll have experienced a sharpening of your gift.

Suitable for beginners upwards

These Bootcamps are for you if you’re a complete beginner, or if you know you’re prophetic but have never really had training in it, or if you already prophesy at a proficient level but want to sharpen your gift.


They’re called Bootcamps for a reason – I’m going to work you hard! We don’t want to be hearers of the word only, but doers. And with prophecy, you can know as much as you want to about
the subject, but it’s only by regular practising (with feedback) that you really improve. As well as the exercises we practise during our time together, I’ll be setting you homework to complete in between the courses. These fun tasks will keep you tuned in to the voice of God in your life, activated and practising in between sessions. This is the absolute key to rapid improvement and you’ll be so excited to track how you improve in delivery, clarity and accuracy.

Hebrews 5.14 “But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil.

Some of the topics covered…
Who can prophesy?
- Why is prophecy so important?
- How to hear the voice of God 
- The three parts of a prophecy
- Seeing in the Spirit
- Blocks to seeing
- Different way of receiving from God (seeing, hearing, discerning, feeling)
- Guidelines: The Do’s and Don’ts of prophetic etiquette
- Job descriptions: the difference between the gift of prophecy, prophets and false prophets
- How to nabiy (bubble up) prophesy
- How to weigh a prophecy
- How to wage war with a prophecy
- Words of knowledge
- Words of wisdom
- Intro to Dream Interpretation
- Intro to Discernment of spirits

Your Bootcamp leader… Adele Richards is a Senior Leader of Catch The Fire Church in Bournemouth, ( and a core leader of the British Isles Council of Prophets ( She attends the European Council of Prophets and is part of the Catch The Fire World prophets group. Despite this, she is quite nice and not too scary. Adele has a group of prophets within the Bournemouth church whom she mentors and learns from in equal measure, as well as an Advanced Prophetic Team. Members of these groups will help to deliver these Bootcamps and be cheering you on.

Duration: Each Bootcamp will comprise of two hours of training on a Friday evening
(7.30pm to 9.30pm) plus Saturday from 10am to 4pm.

Venue: Destiny Life Church, 25 Elliot Road, Bournemouth BH11 8JZ 

How it works: Each Bootcamp is designed to build on the previous one and take you to a higher level. We dare you to sign up for all three. Within each Bootcamp, activations will be split into groups from beginners to those with experience, so everyone is being challenged to grow. You can just take the first Bootcamp to get the basics down, if you want. But you have to complete Bootcamp 1 to progress to Bootcamp 2. And you have to complete Bootcamps 1 and 2 to progress to 3. You can’t jump in at 2 or 3.

Costs: £35 per Bootcamp – includes a light lunch on the Saturday   
(If Catch The Fire Bournemouth is your regular church, you pay 

You can book one at a time, or book all three at once and get a 10% discount
With discount you pay £94.50 for all three weekends, including Saturday lunches.
(If Catch The Fire Bournemouth is your regular church, you pay 

Sign up: Email us today at to sign up!